Plugged in – From ER (Emergency Response) to AC/DC (Flow)

Warm greetings to you all, We are delighted to be on this call! Yes, we are your future generations, Representing all nations! We are your elders from your future in waiting, Yet, you won’t need any translating. The intention is not to blame or shame, Rather to reflect and redirect your aim! We will share […]
Double Up! Expand Impact – Turning DEI on its head

Checkmate! If we continue at this rate! It is time to start on a clean slate, So something new can gestate! Humanity needs a face lift, There are way too many a rift! Much have to transform and shift, Do you get my drift? (wink) That which we see as a conundrum and a threat, […]
The Gentle Touch – Embracing the power of modern-day Salons

A dear friend asked me this morning what the difference between a Salon, Webinar, Master Class, and Workshop is. And yes, we are not referring to the wild west, a reception room, an annual exhibition, or the kind we go to for pampering and grooming. 🙂 Conversations and gatherings of all kinds are natural to […]
A Grand Symphony – <br> A Merry Motive

Beyond all the noise in our world these days, Created mostly because of fear and lack, If we care to slow down and take a step back, We will notice it is a call to explore new ways! It invites us to quiet our minds and listen in intensely, As below the surface it is […]