Episode 8: Showstopper – Close Encounters of the Magical Kind
Human beings are social creatures and relations are the glue that keeps society together. In this episode we partner with science, nature, and human connection to explore the best kept secret and the hidden aspects of the art of relating that will transform all our engagements, encounters, conversations, meetings, interactions, and actions in a powerful […]
Episode 7: Untamed – The Time of our Lives

It is our birth right to thrive and choose how we would like to live, thus on our own terms. Oppression, control, abuse of power, social injustice, inequality, and being treated like ‘less than’, or slaves, are no longer viable. In this episode we explore what our perception of time has to do with living […]
Episode 6: Making Luck – Turn your Scars into Stars

There are plenty troubles in our world at the moment, yet there are many opportunities to review, re-orientate, renew, reenergize, repurpose, and realign our lives and businesses. In this episode we do something unconventional, as we learn from the game poker how to transform our lives without gambling.
Episode 5: Resonance Alchemy – One step closer to transmuting Inequality

It is clear that we don’t have much success when we attempt to solve the numerous dilemmas in our world with the same type linear thinking and outdated mindsets that created them. In this episode we terraform and transmute inequality in a novel, indirect way by harnessing the power of relationships and working together.
Episode 4: Breaking Barriers – Reinventing Leadership Podcast

In a world where influencers have more followers than leaders and where the status quo is being questioned, especially in terms of oppression, inequality, autonomy. social justice, and wellbeing of all, leadership is riddled with criticism. In this episode we tap into ancient wisdom to assist us to re-invent leadership.
Episode 3: Make Rain and Ride the Wave – True Story

Wellbeing, abundance, and financial freedom is our birth right, without exception. Profit and shareholder value before wellbeing, capitalism, and equity inequality are thus questioned. In this week’s Gateway to the Possible episode we explore how we can shift from a ‘profit and loss’ mindset to flow and flourishing for all.
Episode 2: Befriending Polarities – Equality in the Workplace

Diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) is high on the agenda on the workplace and society. In this episode we explore a unique approach to solving this dilemma on a personal and team level in the workplace.
Episode 1: Limitation is Power – Grafting and Crafting in the age of AI

We can perceive disruptions and restrictions as limiting and rapid advances in technology as a threat. In this episode we explore the hidden power that awaits behind these perceived limitations and threats, especially in terms of Leadership.