follow the flow

enter a world full of wonder, awe, wander, and possibility. welcome to the age of awareness.

in the garden of possibility new life unfolds, grows, blossoms, and thrives. here we shift from uncertainty, lack, fear and chaos to possibility, wholesomeness, fulfilment and impact.

all is possible in this transition zone where worlds meet – the world as we know it, the world busy emerging and unfolding, and the world we desire to enjoy, celebrate, experience, contribute to, and consciously co-create and birth into being.

from possibility to inevitability and actuality

where to begin?

begin as you mean to go. the word ‘begin’ says it all, as it magically spells out the word ‘being’ too…


a new way of being – improved quality of life for all and coming back to our humanity

we embark on 8 quests where curiosity meets opportunity. we freely explore and experiment with the next level and new ways of being, igniting change from the inside out and contributing to a better world for all.

a new way of organising and working together – contributing our talents, working together, and innovating with awareness

leaders, organisations, and entrepreneurs take the leap where readiness meets opportunity. here we explore the next level organisation, harness the natural flow, align with emerging patterns, navigate shifting paradigms, activate and strengthen 21st century abilities and skillsets, synthesize spirals of manifestation and impact, and innovate in harmony with nature.


a new way of discovery – expanded perception and connection, learning with awareness

in a rapid transforming world and dynamic shifts in consciousness, we go back to the source of being human, as in the way we perceive and experience life. learners, students, educators, and parents alike, explore, acknowledge, nourish, stimulate, and support inborn sensibilities and abilities that enable our younger generations to thrive at this time, and to experiment with their level of perception and esteemed intelligences in a nourishing, gentle, and safe space.


the experiential landscape includes, yet is not limited to:

meaningful personal value

practical application

generative global impact

symbolic meaning for humanity (fabric of society)

the impact and unfolding landscape includes, yet is not limited to:

  • quality life and wellbeing for all
  • expanded leadership and self-leadership awareness and impact
  • innovation in harmony with nature
  • spiral wellbeing and abundance model (economy)
  • transcendence of generational, relational, cultural, social, contextual, and functional gaps
  • contribution shared, converted into impact and synthesized on collective, community, group, organizational, and personal level
  • acknowledgement and inclusion of diverse ideas and opposing viewpoints
  • seeding of emergent open innovation and action-based whole system multidisciplinary research
  • enabling whole system awareness, thinking, contribution, and impact
  • embracing dynamic flow and the path of resonance
  • inspiring participatory fluidity
  • supporting change, transformational, and transition initiatives
  • embracing new rules of engagement and t&c’s
  • pioneering the other side of the un sustainable development goals
  • corroborating life-affirming, wholesome social impact and contribution
  • realizing life-generating abundant outflows

wondering why now?

humanity has an opportunity to explore other possibilities and a ground-breaking new way of being after a period of turmoil, disruption, chaos, and restriction. this new way of being impacts all the aspects of our lives, how we relate, organise, choose, learn, create, share, exchange, act, and interact. the new decade heralds the dawn of something new. this is virgin land, as our experiential landscapes have dramatically and unexpectedly transformed in many ways.

none of us has gone through such a transition before, there are thus no leaders, teachers, and gurus who can tell us what to do. neither can we expect a few men and women to make life-changing decisions on our behalf. together, we explore what else is possible in a liminal, embryonic space of possibility. here we can freely experiment, embody, and explore how to introduce and integrate our discoveries in our personal, social, and professional lives, and into our communities, networks, groups, and organisations.

what else is possible?

curious to discover more? enter the garden here by taking a cab and visiting the possibility gap for a personal virtual immersion and tour. hannelie venucia and our resident questors are delighted and ready to share a trailblazing experience.

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