<strong>Back to Basics – Come to your Senses</strong>

Get ready Lucky Duck! It is your lucky day! Why? We ducks discovered something rather mesmerizing and would like to share that with you. You could call it good neighborship, interspecies relations and compassion, as we share the same planet and ecosystem. We need to remind each other to come to our senses when we […]

Follow the Impulse — The Next Level

‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.’ Carl Sagan Have you ever felt a strange pull towards something that you are not able to define or name? What was it that called explorers forth to explore beyond the normal, the known, the horizon, and allowing nothing and no one to hold them back? The […]

21st Century Decision Making…Does the path have heart?

I wonder what will happen next? Don’t get attached to decisions and some text, Stay curious and do not be so perplexed, Look deeper, we are not hexed! Life is not at all so complex! Following the path with heart, We are aware, connected, and smart, Life invites us to a fresh start, In which […]

Plugged in – From ER (Emergency Response) to AC/DC (Flow)

Warm greetings to you all, We are delighted to be on this call! Yes, we are your future generations, Representing all nations! We are your elders from your future in waiting, Yet, you won’t need any translating. The intention is not to blame or shame, Rather to reflect and redirect your aim! We will share […]

Double Up! Expand Impact – Turning DEI on its head

Checkmate! If we continue at this rate! It is time to start on a clean slate, So something new can gestate! Humanity needs a face lift, There are way too many a rift! Much have to transform and shift, Do you get my drift? (wink) That which we see as a conundrum and a threat, […]

The Gentle Touch – Embracing the power of modern-day Salons

A dear friend asked me this morning what the difference between a Salon, Webinar, Master Class, and Workshop is. And yes, we are not referring to the wild west, a reception room, an annual exhibition, or the kind we go to for pampering and grooming. 🙂 Conversations and gatherings of all kinds are natural to […]

A Grand Symphony – <br> A Merry Motive

Beyond all the noise in our world these days, Created mostly because of fear and lack, If we care to slow down and take a step back, We will notice it is a call to explore new ways! It invites us to quiet our minds and listen in intensely, As below the surface it is […]

Ride the Wave – From Profit and Loss to Flow and Flourishing

Let’s talk Money! Here in the Land of Milk and Honey! Yes it is that currency that many believe is the most important Thing! Yet all that glitters is not gold and can simply be worthless Bling! Care to join us for a ride? So we can turn the tide? To enable all to flourish […]

The Invitation

You are cordially invited as our Guest of Honour! Who does not love to receive a handwritten invitation? Curiosity arising like the flutter of butterfly wings when engaging the handwriting, subtle, yet almost imperceptibly glorious. Who could it be from? The letters ‘Yours Truly’ dance with the passion of a tango across your line of […]